“who are you?”保安拽着岳棠进来喊道。
“we are students of our school。”易凡相比惊慌失措的二人,便显的他很冷静。
“what do students do in the staff office when they don&39;t sleep in the dormitory?”明显保安态度缓和了许多,还放开了岳棠。
“if i say i can&39;t sleep, shall we e out to relax, uncle?”岳棠脖颈一松麻溜的跑向易凡这边。
“is it why is it so messy here what are you looking for when you e here for a walk what important things have you lost we need to search in the middle of the night”校保安以明察一切,调侃性问问。
“we are looking for something to pass this month&39;s test”易凡扶额,这小子也太实在了吧,杂啥都能抖出来,岳欣心道完蛋了,“啊!对不起老大,我说吐噜嘴了。”岳欣这才后知后觉自己说漏嘴了,哪有他这样做贼的还自报来意的。
“let&39;s go! e to the guard room with me i&39;ll call your teacher and ask him to get someone”说着就要将三人押着去警卫室。
“uncle, let them go! at most, they are acplices just arrest me”保安怎么会看不出他在揽事,心中感叹这才多大就开始逞英雄了,回想起自己年轻时也这样年轻气盛,所以默许了并放开岳欣兄弟二人。
“that&39;s how you unlocked the code locksm should i praise you or should i remember a big mistake”班导深夜被吵醒,明显有不小的起床气,可以看出他很努力在忍,没有动手揍易凡。
“i opened the safety lock you made at will! there is no technical content”易凡见来的人是班导,马上换了一种姿态,班导还是很好说话的,班导是上一届毕业生,跟学生岁数相差不大,幸好保安大叔没找系主任,要不就等着记过吧,住宿的老师也就系主任跟留校读研的班导。
“yi fan, don&39;t be poor your grades are not bad in all subjects why steal the answers why do you want to be the first in a department besides, i didn&39;t put the answer to the monthly exam in the office i took it back to my dormitory”班导这话有点幸灾乐祸的意味。
“what do you say to me anything but dismissal”易凡觉得因为作弊被开除太丢人了。
“i didn&39;t say i was fired go to the headmaster&39;s office tomorrow morning! he asked you for something at the meeting in the afternoon, he asked you to go to the headmaster&39;s office in the morning”班导什么意思,易凡也不细想了,回宿舍睡觉。
第二天来的校长室,门开着,易凡出于礼貌敲了敲门,“here you are, here you are! sit down first”校长笑的很和蔼,校长不到五十,白皮肤,蓝眼睛,黄色头发染成了深黑色,发根卷的,拉直后又新长出来的头发微卷,这是一个典型的中美混血,可以看出校长年轻时也是很帅气的。
易凡走进办公室,坐在皮质沙发上,“headmaster, are you going to fire me”
校长解释道:“no one said to dismiss you i just want to send you back to shanhai university”
“it&39;s my younger brother who asked me to help you transfer to another school it&39;s not repatriation it&39;s just ordinary transfer i don&39;t know z state-owned school my younger brother asked me to transfer to another school for you my younger brother said that he has arranged everything over there”校长耐心的给易凡解释道。
易凡追问道:“transfer are we going to get a big demerit”
“you are ready to transfer to another school you will not record demerits for any one of you only the class leader of your department and the three guards know about this, and they will help you to keep it from you”易凡也只能答应,不转学难道等着开除吗?这学校有个不成文的规定,那就是作弊者勒令退学。
“i have a request that yue xinyue tang follow me back to china, and you should persuade his parents to let them go back to china”他走后也没人照顾他俩,还不如带在身边。